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O nešikovných turistoch
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Alpská dedinkaV tomto článku je slovo za slovom okopírovaný úryvok z knihy "Together" od Normana Douglasa. Je to celkom príjemná kniha o prírode a živote v alpských dedinkách v Rakúsku a Švajčiarsku. Autor vyrastal v dedine v Rakúsku a prežil tam aj svoje detstvo. Z času na čas sa tam ešte vrátil pospomínať na zašlé časy. Úryvok uvedený nižšie je o nešťastných alpských turistoch, ktorým sa podarilo zázračnými metódami pripraviť sa o život počas nenáročných výstupov na kopce. Je písaný s dobrou dávkou čierneho humoru, irónie a sarkazmu. Pri poslednej vete ma autor svojim písaním až rozosmial, čo sa podarí len máloktorému autorovi svojimi opatrne volenými slovami. Úryvok je v originále - v angličtine, tak dúfam, že sa vtip z textu kvôli jazykovej bariére nevytratí.

[...] That is the history of the Zimba1, which is now climbed by numerous tourists every year. No wonder; since all the difficult places have been made easy. Even so, the mountain has claimed its victims – three, within the last few years; one of them a tough old gentleman who, to test his nerve and muscle, insisted on "doing" the Zimba once a year. It was a sporting notion; the Zimba did him, in the end; he lies buried in the new Protestant cemetery at Bludenz. And if you like to scramble up from the Rellstahl flank you may still have some fun. Not long ago a tourist actually died of fright while climbing down here. He had gone up by the ordinary route to the satisfaction of his guide who, being from the Montavon valley and anxious to get home as soon as possible (this is my own assumption) took him down by this almost perpendicular "short cut." At a certain point the tourist declared that he could go neither forwards nor backwards, and was going to die then and there. Which he straightway proceeded to do, rather foolishly. But there are no limits to what a real tourist can accomplish. Along the extremely convenient track which scales the cliff between the Zalim alp and the Strassburger hut (Scesaplana district) two young men contrived to slip; they were shattered to fragments. Cleverest of all was the gentleman who lately achieved the distinction of dying from exposure2 on the Hoher Frassen3. He ought to have left us word to say how the thing was done.

  1. jedna z hôr v oblasti
  2. smrť spôsobená nenásilne - podchladnutie, dehydratácia, úpal, vysilenie
  3. nie veľmi vysoký, hravo dosiahnuteľný kopec
Posledná úprava ( Sunday, 15 April 2012 )
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