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Java diss - humorné výroky o Jave
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evil javaNemám veľmi v láske Javu. Jazyk ako taký mi neponúka to, čo by som si ako dobrý chlapec zaslúžil. Poriadne silný a ohybný jazyk, ako napríklad C#, v ktorom sa dá šetriť riadkami na miestach, kde riadky nie sú potrebné. Jazyk, ktorý ma nenúti závisieť na iných open-sourcových projektoch, len aby som mohol pohodlne filtrovať zoznamy objektov. Jazyk, ktorý ma nenúti písať getter/setter páry, pokiaľ sa do nich nechystám vkladať židnu logiku. Jazyk, v ktorom by som nepotreboval Observable a Observer na to aby objekty mohli reagovať na udalosti iných objektov. Atď, atď...

V tomto článku som uviedol niekoľko zaujímavých výrokov rôznych ľudí z brandže, ktorí humorne kydajú na Javu. S ich výrokmi môžem len súhlasiť.

  • Java tá najrozčuľujúcejšia vec aká sa prihodila v oblasti IT od nástupu MS-DOS. -- Alan Kay
  • C++ je história zopakovaná vo forme tragédie. Java je história zopakovaná vo forme frašky. -- Scott McKay
  • Java, ten najlepší dôvod pre Smalltalk od doby C++. -- Frank Winkler
  • Java: elegantná jednoduchosť C++ a ohnivá rýchlosť Smalltalk-u. -- Jan Steinman
  • Ako tvorcovia situačných komédií, bufetovej stravy, a výhodných dovolenkových balíkov, tvorcovia Javy vedome navrhovali produkt určený pre ľudí menej chytrých než oni sami. -- Paul Graham
  • Java bola úžasným požehnaním pre publikačný priemysel. -- Rob Pike
  • Java je skutočne vynikajúci ekvalizačný softvér. Podarilo sa jej priviesť všetky počítače k rovnakej priemernosti a chybovosti. - NASA's J-Track web site
  • Tvrdiť, že Java je dobrá, lebo beží na všetkých platformách, je ako tvrdiť, že análny sex je dobrý, lebo sa dá praktizovať na všetkých pohlaviach. -- Unknown
  • Keby Java mala ozajstný zber odpadu, väčšina programov by sa odstránila sama hneď po spustení. -- Robert Sewell
  • Java: raz napíš a utekaj! -- Cinap Lenrek
  • Java je DSL na transformáciu veľkých XML dokumentov na dlhé chybové hlásenia. -- Scott Bellware
  • Java je ako odroda hry Tetris, v ktorej žiadne kocky nevypĺňaujú medzery v kockách na spodku, tak človeku nezostáva nič iné, len ich hádzať na jednu kopu donekonečna. -- Steve Yegge (2007, Codes Worst Enemy)
  • Keď píšem kód v Jave, cítim sa ako keby som vyplňoval nekonečné formuláre trojmo. -- Joe Marshall (aka jrm)

Originálny text zo stránky Java Sucks ( je uvedený pod čiarou.

  • Using Java for serious jobs is like trying to take the skin off a rice pudding wearing boxing gloves. -- Tel Hudson
  • Of all the great programmers I can think of, I know of only one who would voluntarily program in Java. And of all the great programmers I can think of who don't work for Sun, on Java, I know of zero. -- Paul Graham
  • Java is the most distressing thing to happen to computing since MS-DOS. -- Alan Kay
  • Java is, in many ways, C++--. -- Michael Feldman
  • C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce. -- Scott McKay
  • Java, the best argument for Smalltalk since C++. -- Frank Winkler
  • Arguing that Java is better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark. -- Thant Tessman
  • Java: the elegant simplicity of C++ and the blazing speed of Smalltalk. -- Jan Steinman
  • Like the creators of sitcoms or junk food or package tours, Java's designers were consciously designing a product for people not as smart as them. -- Paul Graham
  • There are undoubtedly a lot of very intelligent people writing Java, better programmers than I will ever be. I just wish I knew why. -- Steve Holden
  • The more of an IT flavor the job descriptions had, the less dangerous was the company. The safest kind were the ones that wanted Oracle experience. You never had to worry about those. You were also safe if they said they wanted C++ or Java developers. If they wanted Perl or Python programmers, that would be a bit frightening. If I had ever seen a job posting looking for Lisp hackers, I would have been really worried. -- Paul Graham
  • If you learn to program in Java, you'll never be without a job! -- Patricia Seybold in 1998
  • Knowing the syntax of Java does not make someone a software engineer. -- John Knight
  • In the best possible scenario Java will end up mostly like Eiffel but with extra warts because of insufficiently thoughtful early design. -- Matthew B Kennel
  • Java has been a boon to the publishing industry. -- Rob Pike
  • The only thing going for java is that it's consuming trademark namespace. -- Boyd Roberts
  • Java is the SUV of programming tools. A project done in Java will cost 5 times as much, take twice as long, and be harder to maintain than a project done in a scripting language such as PHP or Perl. ... But the programmers and managers using Java will feel good about themselves because they are using a tool that, in theory, has a lot of power for handling problems of tremendous complexity. Just like the suburbanite who drives his SUV to the 7-11 on a paved road but feels good because in theory he could climb a 45-degree dirt slope. -- Greenspun, Philip
  • JAVA truly is the great equalizing software. It has reduced all computers to mediocrity and buggyness. - NASA's J-Track web site
  • C and Java are different in the non-excitability department, though. With C, you don't get excited about it like you don't get excited about a good vintage wine, but with Java, you don't get excited about it like you don't get excited about taking out the garbage. -- Lamont Cranston (aka Jorden Mauro)
  • Saying that Java is good because it works on all platforms is like saying anal sex is good because it works on all genders. -- Unknown
  • java is about as fun as an evening with 300 hornets in a 5m^2 room -- andguent
  • If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution. -- Robert Sewell
  • Java: write once, run away! -- Cinap Lenrek
  • Java is a DSL to transform big XML documents into long exception stack traces. -- Scott Bellware
  • The definition of Hell is working with dates in Java, JDBC, and Oracle. Every single one of them screw it up. – Dick Wall CommunityOne 2007: Lunch with the Java Posse
  • Java is like a variant of the game of Tetris in which none of the pieces can fill gaps created by the other pieces, so all you can do is pile them up endlessly. -- Steve Yegge (2007, Codes Worst Enemy)
  • Whenever I write code in Java I feel like I'm filling out endless forms in triplicate. -- Joe Marshall (aka jrm)
  • In the JSR-296 "The intended audience for this snapshot is experienced Swing developers with a moderately high tolerance for pain." Gil Hova Reply: "Wait. There are Swing developers with low tolerances for pain?"
Posledná úprava ( Friday, 22 November 2013 )
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